LG is expected to make available it latest smartphone, LG Optimus G Pro, anytime in India. It features a 5.5-inch display with full high definition (1080p) resolution. It is powered by a quad-core 1.7 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro mobile Processor and 2 GB RAM.
Sources have said to The Mobile Indian, “LG Optimus G Pro is expected to be launched in India in a day or two.”
LG Optimus G Pro will be powered by Android 4.1 Jelly Bean operating system and pack a 3140 mAh battery. It is expected to have a 13 Megapixel rear camera and a 2.1 megapixel front camera. Besides it will have connectivity features like GPS, Bluetooth, WiFi and NFC.
The LG Optimus G Pro, despite having a large screen, has a very slim profile, measuring 139 mm x 70 mm x 10 mm. This means it is 8 mm shorter, 6.5 mm less wider than Micromax Canvas II which though has a 5 inch screen measures 147 x 76.5 x 9.7 mm.
The LG Optimus G Pro weighs only 160 grams. The handset will be available in Platinum White and Indigo Black.
Also, it is not clear whether the Value Pack upgrade which LG had announced some time back will come with LG Optimus G Pro or not. The upgrade will provide a new eye recognition technology feature titled as smart video. Also, a new dual camera function arrives as the extension to the dual-recording feature that makes the best of the two microphones on the device.
Smart Video function is based on eye recognition technology implemented to detect whether the user is watching the video on the mobile phone’s screen or not. Based on that, the playback is controlled. On the other hand, dual camera function allows the user to capture images simultaneously using both – front and back cameras to deliver a picture-in-picture composition.