LG off late has been in new for its in-house mobile chipset, called Odin. Now a Korean news daily, Digital Times, reported that LG will launch the mobile Chipset in both quad-core and octa-core versions. Both the mobile chipsets are currently being tested and there is no clarity on when LG plans to announce these chipsets.
The LG designed chipset will be based on ARM Cortex-A15 processors with a capability to be clocked up to 2.2 GHz. This quad-core Odin chipset will have ARM Mali-T604/T624 graphics. The octa-core Odin chipset will feature ARM Mali-T760 graphics chip.
The octa-core Odin mobile chipset will be manufactured by Taiwan Semi-conductor Manufacturing Corporation in Taiwan.
LG Odin will compete with Qualcomm Snapdragon, Samsung Exynos, and MediaTek mobile chipsets.