Price of LG made Google Nexus 4 has been reduced by 25 per cent. Google Play Store’s Twitter account formally announced the price cut today. However, the price cut is applicable to the USA, the UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, Spain and South Korea markets only. After the price slash, the Nexus 4 8 GB model is to cost $200 or Rs 13,400 (considering Rupee at 67 versus Dollar) while the 16 GB model will cost $250 (Rs 16,750)
Currently, the 16 GB model of the smartphone costs around Rs 25,000 in India but since the Rupee is tumbling against dollar every day (at the time of writing it was 68.70 against Dollar), LG or Google may not have the elbow-room to reduce its price further.
LG Google Nexus 4 smartphone features 4.7-inch True HD IPS touchscreen display with 1280×768 pixel resolution. The smartphone is powered by quad-core 1.5 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro System on Chip with 2 GB RAM on-board. LG has packed 2100 mAh battery. Google has recently released Android 4.3 Jelly Bean update for the Nexus 4 smartphone.
You can read the review of LG Nexus 4 here.