LG India has launched a new refrigerator in India by the name of MoodUP series. Launched in collaboration with India’s one of leading fashion Designer duo, Gauri and Nainika, who unveiled their latest collection inspired by 1.7 Lakh colour combinations of LG MoodUP Refrigerator at Lakme Fashion week.
LG MoodUP Refrigerator: Price
The LG MoodUp refrigerator comes with a price tag of Rs 4,49,999. It can be bought through various stores across the nation.
LG MoodUP Refrigerator: Features
The MoodUP refrigerator features LED panels on its doors, allowing you to change colors based on your mood and sync music to create a customised ambiance in your home. Users can cycle through 1.7 lakh+ colour combinations to suit their mood or personality, all seamlessly controlled through the LG ThinQ app.
This french door refrigerator also supports the InstaView feature, where a simple double knock on the designated door illuminates the interior, providing a quick and efficient way to peek inside without fully opening the door. Alongside Instaview technology for quick and efficient access, it gets retractable shelves for flexible storage, and advanced temperature management ensuring optimal food preservation.
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Adding to the experience is the built-in Bluetooth speaker that allows you to connect through external devices providing you the freedom to play the music of your choice. The speaker comes with multiple modes like bounce mode and flow mode.
The MoodUP refrigerator incorporates intelligent features such as the Smart Colour Alarm system, which includes Door Open Alert, Welcome Light, and Night-time Mood Light. Seamlessly integrated with LG’s ThinQ app, the MoodUP Refrigerator allows for remote control and monitoring. With Door Cooling+ technology, it ensures even cooling in each shelf. Hygiene Fresh+ Technology helps to reduce the activity of bacteria and keeps the food fresh for longer.