LG has quietly introduced yet another large screen handset – Gx – as part of its current G series smartphones. The all new LG Gx flaunts a 5.5-inch Full HD display and is powered by a quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 mobile processor. If you can recollect, it is quite similar to the LG Optimus G Pro smartphone that was introduced quickly after the Optimus G last year. The LG Gx brings in the best from the current smartphone line-up and is now available in Korea region for this moment.
LG has tried and tested to bring the spin-off products, just like every other Android based handset maker. LG Optimus G Pro was the iterative edition of the Optimus G last year. Now the LG G2 is slowly making raves amongst early adopters. The new Gx smartphone carries the G series styling and design. LG has fitted a 5.5-inch IPS LCD display with 1080×1920 pixel resolution in it. This handset is powered by quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 mobile processor which is paired with 2 GB RAM.
By default, the LG Gx will run Android 4.x Jelly Bean with several new improvements in the Optimus user interface. The 167 grams weighing phablet is mere 9.2mm thin. It has a 13 Megapixel camera for high quality imaging and full HD video recording. In its front lies a 2.1 megapixel camera, which seems decent enough for video calls. LG has packed 32 GB on-board storage to let the user load multimedia and save camera captures.
LG has also added Near Field Communication chip along with Bluetooth 4.0 support. The LG Gx features 3140 mAh battery and also sports 4G LTE networks. LG has not announced the price and availability of the Gx in other regions of the world.