Lenovo had introduced K900 in India and surprised everyone with its large screen and performance. But now the company is making even a better smartphone, if a report of GforGames blog is to believed. Actually the blog claimed to have spotted a listing of Lenovo X910 device running Qualcomm’s top of the line Snapdragon 800 chipset. This is a powerful Chipset targetted at the premium and top level smartphones.
As per the blog, the Lenovo X910 was listed at the AnTuTu Benchmark listing with the score of 27931 and the Snapdragon 800 chipset was clocked at 2.2 GHz. No other details about the handset were available apart from the fact that the device was running Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean update.
Lenovo X910 smartphone with Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 and Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean can be expected sometime later this year. Hopefully, this device is made available in India too.