Lenovo Vibe X3, which was first unveiled in November 2015, is set to be launched in India this January 27. A spokesperson of the company, who told this to The Mobile Indian, said that only the 32 GB version of the phone will be launched in India. Though the spokesperson did not reveal its price, we expect it to be priced about Rs 20,000.
In China, Lenovo had launched the Vibe X3 in 32 GB (priced at approximately Rs 26,000), 64GB model (at approximately Rs 31,000) and in a ‘Youth’ variant (at approximately Rs 19,500).
The X3 (32 GB) has a 5.5 inch display with full HD resolution and Corning Gorilla Glass 3. It has a fingerprint sensor below the rear camera, dual SIM (one slot can hold a micro SD card too), 128 GB micro SD card slot and 4G connectivity.
The Vibe X3 (32 GB) has a 21 megapixel rear camera that comes with Sony IMX230 sensor, phase detection auto focus feature, LED flash light and ability to record 4K videos. The X3 has an 8 megapixel front camera. Besides, it offers Snapdragon 808 hexa core processor, 3 GB RAM and 3500 mAh battery.
The 64 GB model has the same features as well, ofcourse with higher internal memory.
On the other hand, the Youth variant of Vibe X3 offers a 13 megapixel rear camera and a 5 megapixel front camera. The Youth variant has the 1.3GHz octa-core MediaTek processor, 3400 mAh battery, 2 GB RAM and 16 GB of internal storage.