As reported earlier, Lava today announced the launch of Lava X81 smartphone. The phone has a price tag of Rs 11,499.
To start with, the Lava X81 has a 5 inch IPS display with high definition Resolution and Corning Gorilla Glass 3. This dual SIM phone has dual standby feature and it comes in space grey and gold colours.
The Lava X81 has the Android Marshmallow operating system and a customized user interface called Star OS 3.0. The OS runs on the 64 bit 1.3 GHz Mediatek Quad core processor. It has 3 GB DDR3 RAM, 16 GB of Internal Memory and a 64 GB micro SD card slot.
There is a 13 megapixel rear camera in the X81 that comes with F2.0 Aperture and dual LED flash light. The secondary 5 megapixel camera has F2.4 aperture and an LCD flash light is in the front too to assist it.
The Lava X81, which measures 142.6*73.4*8.4mm, has a 2700 mAh Li-Po battery. The Lava X81 has 4G connectivity, WiFi, micro USB port, GPS with GLONASS and AGPS, 3.5 mm audio jack, and OTG support. It has FM radio as well.