Lava has launched its latest flagship product Iris 504q for Rs 13,499 and it will be available in market from this week.
Android 4.2 based Lava Iris 504q has a large 5 inch HD 720p IPS display and is powered by a 1.2 GHz quad core MediaTek processor and 1 GB of RAM. It also has 4 GB of internal memory.
On the camera front it has an 8 Megapixel rear camera, which is capable of capturing video in 1080p resolution, and it has a 2 megapixel front camera.
Lava has added interesting features in the Iris 504q, like gesture controls for taking pictures or browsing the picture gallery and changing the music or radio station by just hovering a hand over the device.
Iris has also borrowed One Glass Solution (OGS) technology, which promises a better viewing angle, sunlight readability, touch response and up to four custom profiles with distinctive identities for different lock screens from Xolo smartphones.
Lava Iris 504q provides for Over the Air Software upgrades, which has still not been adopted by most Indian makes.
Iris 504q has a 2,000 mAh removable battery and support dual SIM cards and a micro SD card through which memory can be further expanded to 32 GB.
Lava Iris 504q also comes pre-loaded with Opera web browser, Hungama Music App and a couple of games from Gameloft.
We spent some time with the device during its launch and here is our first impression of it.