Two new Lava smartphones with Android operating system has been recently listed online, named as Iris 350 and Iris 470. The Lava Iris 470 is being listed on both eBay as well as Flipkart, for Rs 4,399 while the Iris 350 can be purchased from for Rs 2,999.
The Lava Iris 470 offers dual SIM with 3G connectivity and dual standby. It has a 4.5 inch IPS display with 854×480 pixels resolution, 1.3 GHz dual core processor, Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean operating system, 4 GB internal memory, 512 MB RAM and 32 GB micro SD card slot. This 147 grams weighing handset offers a 1650 Li-Ion battery.
The Lava Iris 470 offers a 5 megapixel rear camera and a 0.3 megapixel front camera. Besides, it offers FM radio, Bluetooth, micro USB port, and WiFi.
Being an ultra-low budget Android smartphone, the Lava Iris 350 is obviously has the bare minimum features. It offers a 3.5 inch display with 320×480 pixels resolution, 256 MB RAM, 512 MB ROM, and a 32 GB micro SD card slot. Interestingly, despite being cheaper than the Iris 470, the Lava Iris 350 offers the Android 4.4.2 KitKat version. It is armed with a 1 GHz single core processor and a 1400 mAh battery.
The Iris 350 also offers two SIM slots with dual standby and 3G connectivity. It also offers WiFi as well as Bluetooth.