Karbonn will soon introduce a quad core Titantium S4 smartphone. Online retailer Flipkart has listed the Karbonn Titanium S4 smartphone for Rs 15,990 but does not share its date of availability. The Titanium S4 precedes the S5. Karbonn has packed a 4.7 inch AMOLED Display in the S4 and powered it using a quad core mobile processor.
The Karbonn Titanium S4 smartphone features a 4.7 inch AMOLED display with 720p HD resolution. The display supports multitouch. Karbonn has powered the smartphone with a 1.2 GHz Mediatek mobile processor with 1 GB RAM and 4 GB on-board storage. The smartphone runs Android 4.2 Jelly Bean OS and supports dual SIM configuration – one 3G SIM and the other 2G. There is a memory card slot that can support up to a 32 GB microSD card.
At the back, the Titanium S4 has a 13 megapixel camera, which is a bit more protruding than the usual models. In the front lies a 2 megapixel camera for video calls. Other features include Bluetooth and WiFi support for wireless connectivity options. Karbonn has packed an 1800 mAh battery inside this smartphone and we believe it would not be enough to keep it running for a long time.
The introductory price of the Titanium S4 is too steep even with the AMOLED display. If it comes to around the sub-Rs.10,000 mark, then it can give decent competition to large screen phablets and devices with quad ore mobile processors.