Itel has launched a new smartphone in India called the Vision 3 that is backed by a 5000mAh battery and has support for reverse charging. Further, the device has a water-drop styled notch on the front that houses the front camera. This is the second launch by the company during March, the first one being Itel A49.
Itel Vision 3 is priced at Rs 7,999 in India for a single variant. It is available via Amazon and Flipkart for purchase in three colour variants – Deep Ocean Black, Jewel Blue, and Multi Colour Green.
Itel Vision 3 Specifications
The Itel Vision 3 sports a 6.6-inch HD+ IPS display with a waterdrop-style notch design. It is powered by a 1.6GHz Unisoc 9863A octa-core Chipset which is coupled with 3GB of RAM and 64GB of onboard storage. It supports expandable storage up to 128GB via a dedicated microSD card slot.
There is an 8-megapixel AI dual rear camera setup. It supports a bunch of features including Portrait Mode, AI Beauty Mode, HDR Mode, Pro Mode, Pano Mode, Low Light Mode, and Short Video. In addition, Itel Vision 3 is equipped with a 5-megapixel selfie camera at the front with an AI Beauty Mode.
The smartphone packs a 5,000mAh battery with 18W Fast charging and reverse charging support. Connectivity options on the device include 4G LTE, Bluetooth 4.2, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, and a USB port for charging.
Talking about the Itel A49 that launched earlier this month, it comes as an entry-level offering from the brand that runs on Android 11 (Go Edition), has a 4000mAh battery and comes in a single variant that has 2GB of RAM. The Itel A49 is priced at Rs 6,499 for the 2GB + 32GB variant in India and is available via offline retail outlets for purchase.