India based mobile phone maker, Intex Technologies has announced the launch of a new Android phone, called Aqua 3.2. The 3.2 inch capacitive touch screen based phone comes with a 1 Ghz Processor and is available for Rs 3,790. Moreover, the company is offering the smartphone with a free backpack worth Rs 700 as introductory offer.
The Android 2.3.5 based Intex Aqua 3.2 has a 2 Megapixel camera and an expandable memory upto 32 GB. The phone however lacks 3G connectivity and offers only GPRS access and also there is no proximity sensor.
Sanjay Kumar, general manager, mobile business, Intex said, “We are convinced that Intex Aqua 3.2 will play an important role in bringing high performance touch enabled smartphone to the true mass market while contributing substantially to the market share of our mobile business.”
The phone comes with an array of preloaded games and applications such as Fruit Ninja, Nimbuzz, Gmail, YouTube, IRCTC etc. All the other desired applications can be easily downloaded from Google play available on the phone. To access data and files from other hardware, the phone gives you option of linking it through WiFi and Bluetooth.
A 1200 mAh battery powers the device with claims talktime of upto 3 hours and 180 hours standby time. The phone is available in silver, blue and black colour.