Indian handset manufacturer, Intex has showcased a stylish smartphone named as Aqua Fish at the Mobile World Congress event in Barcelona, Spain. As per Intex’s Sanjay Kirona, the assistant vice president and business head of mobile business at Intex Technologies, told The Mobile Indian that the company will launch the Aqua Fish in India by April this year. It would be priced around Rs 7,000, he further added.
The Intex Aqua Fish, which was showcased in attractive orange colour, also comes in black colour. It has a 5 inch TFT display with high definition (1280×720 pixels) resolution. It has 2 GB DDR3 RAM, 16 GB of internal storage, and a 32 GB micro SD card slot.
This 4G smartphone has a 1.3 GHz quad core processor, 8 megapixel rear camera and a 2 megapixel front camera. There is an LED flash light in its rear panel and it is powered by a 2500 mAh battery. Note that the smartphone comes with Sailfish operating system.
(With inputs from Sandeep Budki, who is reporting from Barcelona, Spain)