Instagram has introduced a new updated to its Stories section which now allows users the ability to share several pictures and videos at once. Before this update, users would need to individually upload every bit of content over and over again through the same mechanism for all of their videos and pictures. With the inclusion of this update, users will be greeted with a new icon on the top right corner of their screen when they decide to upload a Story.
The ability to upload multiple pictures would come in handy for situations when you’re travelling and the cellular connectivity is not that great. This will thus allow you to share multiple contents when on a good cellular connection instead of going through the uploading process over and over again when on the move. This will thus save all your time and effort when you’re travelling and not let you miss a moment when all you’re stuck with is the many uploads that need to be posted one by one.
The new update allows users to upload up to 10 pieces of media, be it pictures or videos which will be posted in a single shot. Upon selecting the multiple contents that need to be uploaded, users will be able to check the preview of each and every one of these images and add the right set of captions and stickers to each and every one of them.
Another addition to the Instagram Stories is the automatic suggestion of places around you when you’re using the location sticker. It’ll thus be easier to find the right place to tag your check-in to or if you want to tag the location of the place you don’t remember the same of.