The India Mobile Congress event is all scheduled to take place between September 27 and 29 in New Delhi. While this event has nothing to do with the global MWC event organised by GSMA, it is expected to be the “biggest ever show of ICT” in the country according to Cellular Operators’ Association of India (COAI), the organisers of the India Mobile World Congress.
The event will see participation of government bodies, Telecom Service Providers (TSPs), handset manufacturers and ISPs among others. With just 7 weeks left for the India Mobile Congress to begin, the organisers have teased a bit about it as to what they can expect.
The event is expected to host several summits from opinion leaders on cybersecurity along with ministerial round tables to discuss on data access, biometric security, Encryption and how to minimise hacking instances.
India Mobile Congress will also provide a platform to Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNOs) to showcase the road ahead along with major focus on Virtual Reality. Thought leaders will speak on Smart Networks and also discuss the possibilities for Aadhaar for public governance.
The theme of the maiden India Mobile World Congress is ‘Connecting the Next Billion’ and aims to address topics across Technology, Regulatory, Digital and User Experience.
The event will be organised at Pragati Maidan in New Delhi with a budget of Rs 15 crore. The Department of Telecommunications and Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology has partnered for the success of the event as well which is targeted at business-to-consumer and business-to-government activities.