BlackBerry had announced Messenger for Google Android and Apple iOS platforms sometime in September this year. BGR has an image of BlackBerry Messenger running on Samsung Galaxy S3 smartphone. The person who shared the image stated that the BBM on Android is not that bad.
BlackBerry had inadvertently shared that the BlackBerry Messenger for Android is set to arrive in Summer (North America) this year and that it will be available there till September. This means it would be brought to other regions in September. For the Apple iOS platform the BlackBerry Messenger would run on iOS 6.0 or higher versions.
BlackBerry Messenger has gone through radical changes from mere instant Messaging to a multi-purpose client for sharing files, voice calls and even video calls. BlackBerry has also added third party app support for BBM Connected applications.
From the image, we can easily expect BlackBerry Messenger in the coming few weeks.