Huawei has finally launched the second generation of its smartwatch, the Watch 2 in India. The Watch 2 Sports with Bluetooth is priced at Rs 20,999, while the Classic variant with Bluetooth connectivity comes with a price tag of Rs 29,999. The Huawei Watch 2 with 4G connectivity is priced at Rs 29,999.
All the three variants are available for purchase from Amazon starting from today. Further, Sports (4G) and Classic (Bluetooth) will also be available in offline retail stores across India. Additional interchangeable color bands will also be announced later this year.
The major attraction of the wearable is the ceramic bezel used in the smartwatch, which gives some durability to the device. It comes with a dual crown design as well. The smartwatch with cellular connectivity sports nanoSIM or eSIM card slot. The cellular feature will help you to take calls, use independent apps like Uber, Foursquare, and Facebook Messenger, and remain connected to the internet when it is not connected to a Wi-Fi network or paired to a smartphone. The watch also supports LTE, Bluetooth, GPS, NFC, and Wi-Fi. The smartwatch is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon Wear 2100 processor and it is compatible with Android and iOS devices.
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The smartwatch is touted to be the lightest smartwatch as it weighs just 57 grams. The device comes with an inbuilt GPS, which will allow you to navigate freely without using your smartphone, is IP68 certified meaning that it is water and dust resistance and comes with live training coach. The watch also comes with a heart-rate monitor and gives a comprehensive training report. One can also connect the device with Bluetooth headset and can listen to music. The device has a 4GB of internal storage and can store up to 400+ songs. The Watch 2 has a classical wristwatch design that integrates its smart features and sports functions.
On the battery front, the company boasts that the device can deliver up to 7 hours of heart rate monitoring, 2 days of normal usage and even last up to 21 days when putting into normal watch mode. The smartwatch runs on the latest Android Wear 2.0 and supports Android Pay.