sHuawei will launch its premium smartphones, Ascend P1S and Ascend D Quad, in India by Diwali this year. The Ascend P1 will have a 4.3 inch Amoled screen with dual core Processor and will be priced between Rs 20,000 to Rs 25,000. On the other hand, the quad core processor based Ascend D Quad will be priced above Rs 25,000.
Talking exclusively to The Mobile Indian, P Sanjeev, director sales, Huawei India, said, “We have a very aggressive plan for Indian market. We have already launched more than 10 smartphones in Indian market and we will be bringing our flagship devices including Ascend P1 and Ascend D Quad in India by Diwali. We expect to price P1 between Rs 20 to 25 K while the D quad will be priced above Rs 25,000.â€
These two will be the first phones from Huawei’s Ascend P and D series but more devices from this range including the P1 XL with bigger battery and Ascend D LTE are being selected to be launched in India this year, the Huawei official disclosed. However, the launch of Ascend D LTE will depend on operators’ readiness to launch a smartphone for their LTE network as till now only Airtel has a working LTE network in India.
Huawei Ascend P1 S was announced during this year’s Consumer Electronics Show and was the slimmest phone at that time with a width of 6.68 mm. The phone comes with a large 4.3 inch Super AMOLED screen with qHD (960 x 540 pixel) resolution.
Under the hood, there is a 1.5 GHz dual core TI OMAP 4460 processor with a healthy 1 GB RAM. The phone is currently based on Android 4.0 (in markets where it is being launched) but hopefully it will have Android 4.1 Jelly Bean by the time the phone arrives in India. The phone has an 8 megapixel rear camera with LED flash which is capable of capturing HDR (high dynamic range) images, and high definition (1080p) videos and a front facing 1.3 megapixel camera.
The Ascend D Quad which was announced during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona is yet to be launched anywhere in the world and India will be second only to China to get the phone.
The smartphone will come with a quad core processor (Huawei’s own processor architecture) a 4.5 inch 720p high definition touchscreen display with 330 ppi (pixels per inch) resolution. It also features a 16 core GPS (for location) that offers twice the performance of normal GPS.
The phone has an 8 megapixel BSI (backside illumination) rear camera with 1080p full HD video capture, and it has a 1.3 megapixel front camera for video calling. The phone will come with 1 GB RAM and 8 GB internal memory. Ascend D Quad will also get an 1800 mAh battery. Notably, the phone does have Huawei’s Proprietary power management system, which claims to save 30 per cent power.
Apart from Ascend D Quad, Huawei has also announced Ascend D Quad XL and Ascend D1 smartphones. The Ascend D Quad XL comes with a 2500 mAh battery which lasts two to three days of normal usage. The Ascend D1 runs on a 1.5 GHz dual core CPU and has a 1670 mAh battery. All these phones are going to be launched in India however exact timelines have not been disclosed.