While sister-brand Honor looks set on launching the Honor View 20 next month, Huawei will soon introduce a budget smartphone running Android 9 Pie out of the box. The phone will be labelled as the Huawei P Smart (2019) and can soon be expected to be launched as it finds its way to Benchmarking site GeekBench.
The Huawei P Smart as found on Geekbench is labelled as POT-LX1 and is running on Android 9 Pie and will be one of the first devices to be introduced with Google’s latest mobile OS pre-installed out of the box. The device is powered by an unknown ARM Processor which clocks at 1.71GHz and appears to be paired with 3GB of RAM.
The P Smart scores an average 1,517 points on the single-core test and an above-average 5,535 points in multi-core. Judging but the points scored, the Huawei P Smart seems to match other devices with a Kirin 710 on board. This will thus make the Huawei device a straight-up competitor to other smartphones powered by a Snapdragon 636 or Snapdragon 660, like the Redmi Note 6 Pro or Realme 2 Pro.
Based on the device’s FCC filling which was registered last month, the P Smart will be backed up by a 3,320 mAh battery and dual SIM slots. There will be either 32GB or 64GB of storage on the device which will measure 155.2 x 73.4 mm in dimensions.
The schematics reveal a dewdrop notch at the top of the display above which will be a receiver. There will be a rear-mounted fingerprint scanner as well as two camera Sensors for primary imaging. In a lot of ways, the Honor P Smart will resemble the Honor 10 Lite and will incorporate 13MP + 2MP primary and 24MP secondary camera units.
Huawei could make an announcement about the Huawei P Smart anytime soon and the device itself could make a debut sometime during January 2019, around the time when CES occurs.