HTC was reported for working on a smartphone dubbed Zara and also set to bring the Zara Mini. The HTC Zara smartphone is expected to launch sometime later this year. Now EVLeaks shared an update over Twitter that the HTC Zara will be launched as HTC Desire 601 while its mini version would be dubbed as HTC Z3.
HTC already offers the Desire 600 Dual-SIM smartphone with quad-core processor and HTC Sense richness. Soon this smartphone will have a powerful successor device dubbed as HTC Desire 601. This smartphone will pack a dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 processor with 1 GB RAM and 8 GB of internal storage.
HTC has used 4.5-inch touchscreen display with 960×540 pixel resolution. It will also feature expandable storage with micro SD card support. At the rear will be an 8 megapixel camera. HTC will run the Sense 5.5 on top of Android 4.3 Jelly Bean update and power the smartphone with 2,100 mAh battery.
HTC Desire 601 and Z3 are expected to launch in coming few weeks.
Image credit: evleaks