HTC Vive has announced a price cut of Rs 16,000 for the recently launched Vive virtual reality (VR) system and will be now available for Rs 76,990. All Vive VR headset buyers will get a free trial to Viveport Subscription, where users can choose up to five titles per month to experience, and copies of many of the most popular pieces of VR content today, including Google’s Tilt Brush, Everest VR, and Richie’s Plank Experience.
The Vive VR solution includes wireless VR controllers, room scale movement, and Head Mounted Display featuring a built-in camera. The company if offering two VR experience with the launch namely Everest VR and Richie’s Plank Experience. The Everest VR is basically a virtual way to climb the Mount Everest. In Richie’s Plank Experience, one would virtually walk on a plank placed at 80 stories high above the ground.
For the unintended, HTC Vive is virtual reality headset from the company in association with Value. HTC and Valve have worked with thousands of developers and partners to create VR content across a wide spectrum of sectors, from gaming and entertainment to health, automotive, retail and education. The company recently revealed the Viveport, which is basically HTC global App store through which users will be able to download VR-centric apps and can even explore 360 degree content with or without any special VR headset.
With this move, HTC is clearly indicating its intention to be more than just a VR headset manufacturer. While players like Valve and Steam were HTC’s main competitors in the Desktop version, Google’s Day Dream platform is the latest competition as far as Android platform is concerned.