HTC reportedly is working on its next flagship smartphone, the HTC One M10 (codenamed Perfume). It was earlier expected to be launched at this year’s Mobile World Congress event which is to be held in Barcelona, on February 22-25. However, now it is being said that the company may hold a separate post-MWC event to announce the phone.
As per the Twitter user, @LlabTooFeR, the HTC One M10 is expected come in two CPU variants: Qualcomm 820 for EU and US markets and a MediaTek variant for China and South-East Asia. According to the Twitter user, the smartphone will run on Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow operating system and will have HTC Sense 8.0 user interface.
Some report also claimed that, the HTC One M10 might feature a 5-inch QHD (1440×2560 pixels) display, a 23-megapixel rear camera, 3000 mAh battery with QuickCharge, enhanced dual front-facing Boom Sound speakers, an IP68 Water-resistant rating and a fingerprint scanner.
(Note: Image for representational purpose only)