HTC Desire HD smartphone, which was launched at a price of Rs 27,500, is now available at online shopping portal Saholic for Rs 18,990. It runs on Android 2.2 Froyo and has a 4.3 inch WVGA Resolution or 800 x 480 pixels, which is quite good for a smartphone.
With the bigger screen comes the ability to watch videos in much better resolution and size. For overall high quality entertainment, HTC Desire HD also has Dolby Mobile and SRS virtual surround sound.
Desire is powered by a powerful 1 GHz processor. It has an 8 Megapixel camera with dual LED flash, face detection technology, the ability to record 720p high definition videos, and a geo tagging feature that records where the picture was taken.
The phone also has a fast GPS processor which is said to render maps instantly. For connectivity, the phone has 3G, WiFi and Bluetooth besides USB drives. It has a 3.5 mm stereo Audio Jack and is DLNA compliant, which means media from the phone can be streamed to an HDTV using a cable.
Recently Android 2.3.5 Gingerbread update along with HTC Sense 3.0 user interface improvements for HTC Desire HD has also been announced.