Indian PC and tablet manufacturer, HCL has announced the retail availability of its cheaper SIM calling based tablet, the Me Tab V1. The HCL Me Tab V1 is now available for purchase for Rs 7,790.
The tablet is just 11 mm thick and has a 7 inch display with a WVGA Resolution of 800 x 480 pixels. The HCL Me Tab V1 comes with a 1 GHz Processor along with 1 GB of DDR 3 RAM. There is 4 GB internal storage memory in the tablet and you can also up to 32 GB of memory though a micro SD card.
The tablet can make calls as well as access 2G internet connection using its SIM. However, for 3G, one has to rely on a dongle that can be connected using the onboard USB port.
The Me Tab V1 is based on Android Ice Cream Sandwich operating system but Google Play store is not accessible through it. Users however can download applications from HCL’s own App store.
The tablet is available through Infibeam and soon will also be made available though other retail vendors across the country as well.