Harman, a sub-brand of Samsung Electronics has announced the launch of its JBL Free earphones in India. At a price tag of Rs 9,999, the wireless earphones are available in both black and white colour variants at the e-commerce and retail channel including the 350 key Samsung brand stores across the country.
Similar to the Samsung’s Gear iconX in terms of design, the Bluetooth-enabled earbuds offers the connectivity range of 33 feet and comes with a built-in microphone which is claimed to deliver uninterrupted, crystal clear calls at the touch of a button.
Built with sweat and Water-resistant materials, the brand promises to deliver comfort fit for a long-lasting wearable experience. Theearphones come with a charging case which recharges the earbuds. The company boasts that the earphones can last up to 24 hours of playtime with the charging dock including the 4-hours battery life via JBL Free, and rest 20 hours from the charging case.
Other than this, one can easily enjoy an hour of audio playback with just 15-minutes of charging. The device comes with three sizes of ear tips namely small, medium and large, along with the two secure silicone sleeves which ensures that the accessory fits all users.