Samsung yesterday launched the Galaxy Tab 3 211 (7 inch tablet) in India. It comes with voice calling facility and will be available from July 21 for Rs17,745.
We spent some time with the tablet during its launch here is our first impression about the tablet.
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 211, which is based on Android 4.1, has a 7 inch display screen with 1024×600 resolution, 1.2 GHz dual-core processor, a 4,000 mAh battery, 1 GB RAM, and 16 GB internal memory which can to expanded to 32 GB via micro SD card.
It also has a 3-megapixel rear-facing camera and 1.3-megapixel front-facing camera. On the connectivity front, it supports micro SIM for voice and data usage, WiFi Direct, Bluetooth 3.0 and GPS along with GLONASS.
In terms of design, Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 211, there is nothing new. The same old design philosophy used in all the Galaxy smartphones and tablets in followed in this one too.
The side panel has a thick Chrome finishing and accommodates SIM and micro SD card slot with plastic flap, power button, volume rocker, 3.5 mm jack and charging port. Also, by no means it a slim and a light weight tablet (9.9mm thick and weighs 306 grams).
The 3 megapixel rear camera in Galaxy Tab 3 211 is placed on the top centre of the back panel and the quality of pictures taken with it were decent but not great. In the low lighting condition where we were using the camera the pictures had lot of noise.
The front facing 1.3-megapixel camera is quite good if you will use it for video calling as their will be noting to complain about its quality.
The 7 inch Galaxy Tab 3 supports SIM calling. We used it for making few calls too. The voice quality was good and accessing the dialer pad, which is placed in home screen itself, is quite easy as well.
We had used Galaxy Tab 3 211 for a brief period of time and didn’t face any problems. Navigation was smooth; the tablet didn’t show signs of lagging during game play either. Google didn’t take much time to render maps and even browsing website was not a painful task may be because of smooth network connection.
It also comes pre-loaded with services like My Education, My Offers, My Games, My Music and My Movies. Through My Education, a user can access 2,000 e-books, 1,000 learning videos and preparatory material for exams. Of late many tablet manufactures have been pre loading educational content in the device in order to address the growing need among consumers for the same.
Whenever I hold any Samsung Galaxy smartphone or tablet I don’t find any change in terms of design. But there are changes in display size, software and hardware.
In case of the design of Galaxy Tab 3 211 too I have the same feeling. In terms of performance it was quite good and I have no major complaints about it.
As far as pricing is concerned I do have a feeling that if Tab3 211 was priced around Rs 15,000 would have been a killer tablet in 7 inch screen segment. Also, Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 which is available for around Rs 12,000 has almost the same specification except that it has 1 GHz processor.
In coming days we will do a full-fledged review about the device and till that time we will reserve our final verdict about the tablet.