Google has been using Samsung’s foundry for designing and fabricating Tensor chipsets since the Pixel 6 series. Even this year, the upcoming Tensor G3 is expected to be produced by Samsung. However, a new report suggests that Google could end its reliance on Samsung for the Tensor chipsets starting with Pixel 9.
As per a leak from a Twitter user, Google’s Tensor G3 Chipset will be designed in partnership with Samsung’s System LSI arm and fabricated using Samsung Foundry’s 4nm process. However, next year’s Tensor G4 could be designed by Google itself and use TSMC’s 4nm process node for fabrication. For the Tensor G5, the company could use TSMC’s 3nm process.
However, some rumours suggest that Google was supposed to use TSMC’s 4nm process until its prices considerably increased and the company had to switch back to Samsung. Either which ways, sooner or later, Google seems to be planning to make a switch from Samsung.
Google’ Tensor G1 and G2 processors also have some heating issues over sustained periods which Samsung’ fabrications have been known for. Meanwhile, in related news to Google, the company may also be planning to release the Pixel Watch 2 later this year.
Samsung’s Exynos 9110 SoC, which debuted back in 2018 with the Galaxy Watch, is expected to be at the helm of the wearable. It is said to come with Google’s new Material You design language as well. This new chip is expected to aid in improved efficiency, resulting is much better battery life overall.