Google renamed its Nearby Share feature to Quick Share earlier this year, borrowing Samsung’s feature that worked the same as Nearby Share. Now, Google is further enhancing the feature by borrowing another ability from Samsung, where it has announced QR codes in Quick Share for easier transfer of data.
While it was available only in Samsung Galaxy devices earlier, QR codes in Quick Share will now be available on all Android devices that support Quick Share. The QR code sharing method makes it easier to transfer pictures, videos and documents compared to the traditional method where users have to enable both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.
To transfer a file via the new method, simply select the media file you want to share, tap the QR code and have others scan it for a secure transfer — no need to add them as a contact, verify devices or change your sharing settings. If the option doesn’t appear for you, you may have to wait for a while before Google flips that server-side switch for your device.
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The feature was announced alongside other new features part of the December 2024 Pixel Drop. Google also announced another enhancement for its Drive app, where scans are now “crisper and clearer with auto-enhancements in Google Drive.”
From receipts to documents to ID cards, your scans done via the Drive App will now be optimized to improve contrast and white balance, and remove shadows and blurring — with no manual editing needed. “Simply snap an image of physical documents and receipts and save the clear digital version in the format you want,” said Google.