Apple has scheduled an event for tomorrow where it is expected to make a number of announcements including new iPad models. Meanwhile, Apple is also working to offer more built-in apps for the iOS devices. MacRumors spotted that the GarageBand App would be made free for the iOS 7 compatible devices. The GarageBand app listing was spotted in the list of Built-in Apps for iPhone 5s with other apps.
Apple has been offering GarageBand as music composition software on Mac platforms and also on iOS platforms lately. The iPhone 4S basically made the best of the GarageBand for it allow users to create music using different instrument sounds. Though the app was optimized for iOS by Apple, it remains a paid app.
Apple plans to make the GarageBand app available for free to the iOS 7 compatible devices. Noteworthy part is that all iOS 7 compatible devices have a good combination of Processor and RAM to muscle out the best from this app. Though the app will be offered for free for download from Apple App Store, users may have to purchase some instrument sounds with the in-App purchases.
Apple has redacted the Built-in Apps page for iPhone 5s and number of apps have been removed from the list for the time being. Expect more Apple apps to show up on that page after October 22 launch event.