The iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus will go on sale from today in India. The iPhone 8 will sell at starting price of Rs 64,000, whereas iPhone 8 Plus will come at a starting price of Rs 73,000. The sale will officially go live from 6 pm and until then, both the Apple iPhones available for pre-booking on offline and online channels till 5:59 pmtoday. For offers, users can pre-book both the devices through Flipkart, Amazon, Reliance Digital, Chroma and Infibeam stores
Flipkart Offers
On Flipkart, iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus are available with a cashback of Rs 10,000 on Citi Credit Card and Citi World Debit Card, along with this Flipkartclaims to deliver iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus today, whereas another platformwill start their delivery from September, 30. The Flipkart is also offering up to12 months of No Cost EMI, at starting EMI of Rs 5,334/month.
Additionally, Flipkart is offering up to 12 percent more on the exchange of any old device, which users can check by running the test on Flipkart App. Along with this for Rs 99, users get an AppleUpgrade Offer, by which one can get up to52 percent value of their iPhone on the exchange 15 months later. So, after this, if a user exchange OnePlus 3T smartphone for the latest iPhone 8, then he/she will get an effective price of Rs 15,450. Similarly, on an exchange of iPhone 7 and iPhone 6s, users will get an effective price of Rs 6,000 and Rs 12,000 respectively. Those who plan to use their iPhone for 2 years, must be aware that Apple charges Rs 4,500 for one year extended the warranty, but Flipkart provides one year extended warranty for Rs 2,240. With this Flipkart claims to repair users device within 7 days or else guarantee to refund the policy cost.
Amazon India Offers
Amazon India is also taking pre-bookings of the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus. The smartphone is available in two offers: one with 70 percent buyback with Reliance Digital and one without it. Further, users will get extra Rs 3,000 off on exchange value and users can avail 3/6/9/12 months no cost EMI on credit cards. The company says that phones will be delivered on September 30 for orders from Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Pune and Ahmedabad.
Offline Store Offers
Users can also pre-book the devices from the offline sales channels as well and one can also buy the devices from these options. Both the device will be available for pre-bookings at major retail outlets including Redington India, Brightstar, Croma, Vijay Sales, Reliance Digital and other authorized retail stores.
Staring with Brightstar, the company says that the iPhones will be available for pre-order at various authorized stores in North and East India. The new iPhones will be available in stores starting from September 29. Similarly, Redington has announced that users can pre-order the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus at 3000 stores across the country.
Reliance Digital has also introduced a 70 percent buyback scheme on these iPhones as well. Under this offer, a customer would be eligible for 70 percent of the original purchase price as buyback amount on the return of the device after a year. Customers can avail this offer at Reliance Digital or Amazon India as well as MyJio app, and Jio Store. Apart from this, the company is also offering a cashback of Rs 10,000 for customers who will these devices on September 29 using Citibank Credit Card.
Reliance Jio offer
Reliance Jio has announced a new Rs 799 plan for its postpaid and prepaid users who are planning to buy iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus. Under this offer, Jio will offer 90GB of data per month along with free voice calls, SMS and complimentary subscription of Jio apps with the purchase of the device. For prepaid users, the Rs 799 packs come with 28 days validity.
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iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus
Moving to the specification,iPhone 8 and 8 Plus sports Retina HD displays with True Tone feature that adjusts the white balance of the display to match the surrounding light for a more natural, paper-like viewing experience. The iPhone 8 features a 4.7-inch screen, while the iPhone 8 Plus features a 5.5-inch display.
On the camera front, the iPhone 8 Plus features dual-camera setup at the rear panel. The cameras come with a combination of 12-megapixel wide angle lens with Aperture f/1.8 and 12-megapixel telephoto lens with aperture f/2.8 with OIS, quad-LED True Tone flash. The iPhone 8 sports a single 12-megapixel sensor at the rear panel.
The new camera also delivers the highest quality video capture ever in a smartphone with better video stabilization, 4K video up to 60fps and 1080p slo-mo up to 240fps. The Apple-designed video encoder provides real-time image and motion analysis for optimal quality video.