Fire-Boltt recently launched Ultron smartwatch in India for Rs 3,999. It now seems like the company will soon launch a new smartwatch in the Ninja series called Fire-Boltt Ninja 2 Max.
A dedicated microsite for Fire-Boltt Ninja 2 Max has gone live on Amazon. This suggests that the smartwatch will launch soon in India. An exact launch date is not revealed but the listing has revealed a few specifications of the upcoming smartwatch.
Fire-Boltt Ninja 2 Max Specifications
The Fire-Boltt Ninja 2 Max will sport a 1.5-inch touch screen display. It will come with over 200 watch faces. Furthermore, you can choose three colour options: Rose Gold, Dark Green, and Black.
The smartwatch will come with more than 20 sports modes. These include badminton, swimming, football, skipping, basketball, cycling, running, walking, and more. It will also come with up to 7 days of battery life.
In addition, the Ninja 2 Max will come with an IP68 water and dustproof rating. There will be also SpO2 sensor, a heart rate tracker and sleep tracker.
To refresh, the recently launched Fire-Boltt Ultron comes with a 1.2-inch AMOLED display with a Resolution of 390 x 390 pixels. Further, it comes with an Always-on Display and many watch faces to choose from.
The smartwatch comes with a heart rate tracker, a sleep tracker and a SpO2 monitor for measuring blood-oxygen levels. In addition, there is a menstrual reminder and meditative breathing exercises. Furthermore, it has 14 sports modes including Walking, Running, Train Running, Indoor cycling, Cycling, Skipping, Badminton, Basketball, Football, Baseball, Swimming, Rowling, Yoga and Free Training.
In addition, the smartwatch has a 3ATM water resistance (up to 30m depth). The watch can provide a 5-day battery life on a single charge as per claims from the company. Besides, the watch uses Bluetooth 5.0 for connectivity. Other features include a stopwatch, alarm, App notifications, weather updates, call alerts, Remote Control Camera and Music Function.