Months after seeding an ‘unsend’ feature for Messenger on iOS and Android, Facebook has rolled out an update to its Stories section. Starting today, users will be able to share events and event incites to their Facebook Stories, thus making sure interested users will view the invite even if you forget to invite them personally.
In order to share an event invite in your Story section, you’ll need to head over to the page of the mentioned event and click on “Share” which can found below the listed time and date of the event. While users can share the invite to Messenger chat lists or on a post, Facebook has now added a new option labelled “Share to Your Story”.
Image Source: Bustle
Users will be able to view responses to these events when shared on a Story. When viewing an invite you can tap on “Interested” to if pure willing to attend the event. For views who are “Interested”, Facebook would allow you to set up a group message option as well as a reminder to let the invitees RSVP to attend the event.
The feature is currently being tested in the US, Mexico and Brazil in beta stage at the time. The invite stick also enables users to directly answer if they’re going to the event and the stickers also redirect users to the main event page on Facebook for more information.