After launching the mid-range Moto G in India, Motorola recently also launched Moto X (16 GB) in India for Rs 23,999. A wood back panel model of the phone is available for Rs 25,999.
However, around the same price, Samsung’s Galaxy Grand 2 is also available. Here thus we have compared the two devices to find out which one of them is a better device.
Glamour quotient
Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 combines the designs of Galaxy S4 and Note 3. It has a metallic Chrome rim, without any pattern, same as the Galaxy S4. Samsung has used a soft fabric machine-textured back panel in the Grand 2, just like the one that Note 3 sports.
The Galaxy Grand 2 is very comfortable to hold and the machine textured back with real looking stitch edges gives a good grip to the palm. The only thing that we are worried about is the chrome finish rim that runs along the sides as it makes the phone quite slippery.
The hardware home button rests at the bottom of the display and on the top panel there is a 3.5 mm standard audio port. On the sides of the home button there are capacitive menu and back buttons that are not clearly visible. At its back, the Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 has an 8 Megapixel camera high in the center with LED flash on one side and speaker grill on the other – typical Samsung phone design.
On the other hand Motorola Moto X has a matte-black design, which is almost identical to that of the Moto G except that it has a reduced the size of the bezel surrounding the handset’s display. It has an USB port on the top panel while volume rocker and the power key are in the side panel.
The best feature of Moto X’s design is that it has a curved design in the back panel which makes it easy to hold and fit in the palm.
In terms of waist line, Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 Duos with 8.9 mm thickness is slimmer than Moto X which has 10.4 mm thickness.
In this segment thought Samsung has not changed its design philosophy for Grand 2 but it still it looks more appealing than Moto X.
Muscle power and memory
Motorola Moto X is armed with a Dual Core 1.7 GHz Processor against the 1.2 Ghz quad core processor of Grand 2. However, Moto X compensates that with its 2 GB RAM while the Samsung phone has 1.5 GB RAM. So both the phones are likely to offer almost an equal performance.
The Moto X has higher internal storage than the Grand 2 – 16 GB vs 8 GB. However, the Moto X has no storage expansion facility while Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 has an expandable memory slot that can accommodate a micro SD card of up to 64 GB capacity.
Moto X is armed with just a single SIM while Grand 2 comes with two SIM slots. From Indian users’ context, Dual SIM is definitely preferred because it gives the mobile user freedom to choose two different operators for voice and data services.
Motorola’s Moto X comes with NFC support that allows transfering files to another NFC enabled smartphones with just a tap. Besides, NFC has the potential for wireless payment but as of now NFC payment is still in nascent stage in India and for data transfer people prefer Bluetooth mode.
All the remaining connectivity option like Bluetooth, WiFi and GPS are available in both the smartphones. So we can safely say on the connectivity front Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 is better.
Show time
In the last one year we are seeing good amount of traction among users for bigger display screens because nowadays smartphones are not meant only for phone calls and SMSes. They are used for entertainment, surfing internet and playing games.
In this segment Galaxy Grand 2 which has 5.25 inches display screen that gives 1280 x 720 pixels Resolution gets extra brownie points as compared to Motorola Moto X which has 4.7 inches display screen with same the pixel resolution.
Operating system
Moto X is coming pre-loaded with Android v4.4.2 (KitKat) while Grand 2 comes with Android, v4.3 (Jelly Bean). There will no marks for guessing which phone is winner in this segment. Also, Samsung has not issued any time line when about when will Grand 2 get the KitKat update.
Smile please
Motorola Moto X comes with a 10 megapixel rear camera along with a flash. It also has a 2 megapixel front camera. Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 on the other hand has 8 megapixel front camera with flash support along with 1.9 megapixel front camera.
Usually higher the resolution better is the picture quality. Though, it is not necessary always. But in the case of Moto X and Grand 2, Motorola X is a clear winner in both front and rear camera department because the above mentioned statement holds true in its case.
Strangely, FM radio is missing in Moto X. This may not go down well with many of its potential buyers because for them listening to radio stations on the go are one of the daily activities on mobile phones.
Power supply
One will regularly hear smartphone users complaining that their smartphone is a power guzzler and thus most give special attention to the battery size while purchasing a phone.
In this department Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 Duos with 2600 mAh battery scores over Motorola Moto X which has 2200 mAh battery.
Final take
Motorola Moto X is available for Rs 23,999 while Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 is available for Rs 22,999. This makes Grand 2 cheaper by Rs 1,000. If price is the only consideration before you make the next buy Galaxy Grand 2 will be the winner.
But, a smartphone is purchased not only for its price tag but also for its value for money proposition and performance. Of the eight parameters on which we have compared the devices, Galaxy Grand 2 emerges as a better alternative in six. Thus we would recommend Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 in this duel.