Nokia had announced the new entry level Nokia 106 mobile in August this year. The Nokia 106 phone is now listed online for Rs 1,399 at the official Nokia online store. Nokia 106 has a sub 2-inch colour display and features a dust proof as well as splash-proof keypad. This entry level handset is available in red, black and white colours.
The Nokia 106 is the basic entry level offering Standby time of 35 days and continuous talk time of 9.9 hours. Nokia has packed it with a 800 mAh Nokia BL-5CB battery. This bar style form factor bearing mobile phone features 2G network support. Nokia 106 runs custom J2ME interface and supports several Java based apps.
This entry level phone has back panel design similar to the Lumia family devices. The multi-tap keyboard is reportedly splash-resistant and dust proof. Though the device has not got any certification it can survive couple of light splashes. The Nokia 106 is a single SIM mobile phone available for Rs 1,399 from Nokia Indiatimes Store.