Samsung has recently announced three versions of Galaxy Tab 3 with 7-inch, 8-inch and 10.1-inch screen sizes. However, the company is said to be working on yet another tablet. Popular Twitter Account EVLeaks shared the information that Samsung is working on SM-P900 and SM-600 tablets with 2560×1600 pixel resolution for both tablets. However, neither tablet will be released at the upcoming IFA 2013 convention which is set to be held from 26th August.
One of the tablets, purportedly called as Samsung SM-P900, features a 12.2-inch display with 2560×1600 pixel resolution. This tablet is said to pack the eight core Samsung Exynos 5 Octa chip and will also feature S-Pen feature. The new SM-P900 tablet appears to be the successor of the Galaxy Note 10.1 tablet. This SM-P900 tablet will be offered in three different models numbered as SM-P901 and SM-P905.
The other tablet, identified as SM-600, is said to have a 10.1-inch display and the quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 mobile processor. It is quite likely that this tablet is the Nexus 10 successor but we shall continue hunting for more details.
Both tablets may not be announced next month but we are expecting them to be launched by October this year or earlier.
Details of two high-end Samsung tablets leaked
Popular Twitter account - EVLeaks leaked the details of two high-end Samsung tablets - SM-P900 with Exynos 5 Octa and SM-P600 with Qualcomm Snapdragon 800.