Dell formally introduced the league of Venue series tablets in India. The new Dell Venue series comprises of two tablets running Google Android OS – Venue 7 and Venue 8. Both tablets run the dual-core Intel Atom Clover Trail Plus chipset. Other two tablets running Windows 8.1 include Venue 8 Pro and Venue 11 Pro, powered by quad-core Intel Atom “Bay Trail” mobile processors. Dell will offer the Venue 7 for Rs 10,999, Venue 8 for Rs 17,499 and Venue 8 Pro for Rs 26,499. Price of the Dell Venue 11 Pro will be announced later.
The new Dell tablets include Venue 7 tablet that has a 7-inch display supporting 1280×800 pixel resolution. While the Dell Venue 8 has 8-inch LCD display sporting the same 1280×800 pixel resolution. Dual-core Intel Atom “Clover Trail-T” mobile chips power these Android tablets along with 2 GB RAM. These devices will run the Android 4.2 Jelly Bean and will get Android 4.4 KitKat update in near future. Both the tablets will have 16 GB on-board storage and has a Memory card slot to accommodate up to 32 GB microSD card slot.
The Windows 8.1 based tablets – Venue 8 Pro tablet has a 8-inch LCD display with 720p HD resolution. While the Venue 11 Pro tablet features a 10.8-inch display with 1080p HD resolution. These two tablets are powered by quad-core Intel Atom “Bay Trail” Z3770 processor. Both tablets sport 2GB DDR3 RAM to run the Window 8.1 smoothly with integrated INtel Generation 7 graphics.
Dell Venue 8 Pro packs 32 GB on-board storage and packs 2 GB DDR3 RAM for speeding the Windows performance. The Venue 8 Pro has a Dual-Band Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 4.0 for wireless connectivity. At the rear it has 5 megapixel camera and 1.2 megapixel camera. The tablet has 4830 mAh battery.
The Venue 11 Pro has a 8 megapixel camera at the back for imaging and a 2 megapixel camera in the front for video calls. Dell has packed a dual-band Wi-Fi for faster mobile web connectivity and the tablet also features Bluetooth 4.0, Near Field Communication chip built in. This tablet has a USB 3.0 port and has a replaceable 30Whr or 37Whr battery life.
The Dell Venue 7 and Venue 8 tablets running Android will compete with the Google Nexus 7 (2013) and Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 tablets already available in the market. Meanwhile there is a dearth of Windows 8.1 tablet, we are quiet not sure what kind of response the Venue 8 Pro and Venue 11 Pro would fetch.