Dell has announced two new tablets running Google Android OS – Venue 7 and Venue 8. These new affordable tablets are powered by dual-core Intel Atom Clover Trail Plus chips. Dell aims to offer these new tablets at a very affordable price to compete with the Google Nexus 7 other Kindle Fire HD tablets. The Dell Venue 7 is expected to retail for $150 (Rs 9290 approximately) and Dell Venue 8 for $180 (Rs 11,145 approx.) from October 18 in the US region.
Dell has surprised everyone with two new Google Android based tablets with interesting specifications. Extending its Venue series of devices, the Dell Venue 7 features a 7-inch LCD display supporting 1280×800 pixel resolution natively. Dell Venue 8 with 8-inch LCD display also bears the same native resolution.
Both devices will be powered by the new dual-core Intel Atom “Clover Trail-T” chips along with 2 GB RAM. By default, the tablets will run Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean update and Dell has promised to push the Android 4.4 KitKat update eventually.
Dell Venue 7 will offer 16 GB on-board storage option while the Venue 8 will be offered in 16 GB and 32 GB storage options. There are no details on whether both devices will have a Memory card slot or not. Premium Dell finish bearing Venue tablets will be sold from Dell’s website.