Chinese brand, iVoomi is all set to enter the Indian market with the launch of four smartphones ranging from Rs 4000 to Rs 10,000. To start with, the company has announced a budget VoLTE smartphone, named as iV505, which is priced at Rs 3,999. The iV505 smartphone will be exclusively available through Shopclues and sale will kick start from March 9th. Registrations are already started and will go on till8th March. Moreover, company is also offering Rs 100 off on first 500 registrations. The smartphone has two colours to choose from- Black and Gold.
The iVOOMi also unveiled its future plans for Indian market, wherein the company will establish its R&D and manufacturing unit in India by 2019.
iVOOMi’s iV505 smartphone features a 5-inch IPS display and is powered by a 1.3GHz Quad-core processor, along with 1GB RAM. It comes with 8GB of internal storage, which can be further expandable up-to 128G via microSD card. It runs on Android 6.0 Marshmallow operating system and is backed up by a 3000mAh battery with flash charge technology. On the camera front, the smartphone offers 5-megapixel camera on rear as well as on the front panel. Besides, the smartphone offers all basic connectivity options.
The smartphone also has 4G VoLTE support, hence users can enjoy unlimited data and voice calling service for free under Happy New Year offer, which is valid until March 31, 2017. Furthermore, recently Mukesh Ambani introduced Reliance Jio Prime membership in which users will continue to enjoy all the services under the current Happy New Year offer even after 31st March 2017 and to subscribe for Jio Prime, the existing Jio users or the ones who subscribe to Jio before or on 31st March 2017 are required to pay Rs 99 as an entry fee. Further, starting 1st April 2017, these users will then have to pay just Rs 303 per month to avail free unlimited calls, SMS and 1GB internet per day.
Commenting on this development, Bradley Yan, Global Business Head, iVoomi, said, “iVOOMi has established high-trust and credibility of consumers and clients globally through its path breaking innovation, customisation and high-quality services. We are committed to establishing iVOOMi in the Indian market with our innovative products loaded with highly valued SmartMe OS (Customized OS) & features at an affordable price. We are committed to continuously deliver better user experience at disruptive prices to the aspirational Indian consumers.”