Celkon today launched an affordable smartphone, Campus Q405, for just Rs 3,100. It will be available exclusively on Snapdeal.
The Celkon Campus Q405 is a 3G smart phone with Dual SIM and a 1.2 GHz quad-core processor and Android 4.4.2 operating system. This smartphone has a 4 inch display with 480×800 pixels resolution. It offers a 3.2 megapixel rear camera with flash light and a 1.3 MP front camera.
The Campus Q405 has WiFi, Bluetooth, 1500 mAh battery, and expandable storage of upto 32GB. Campus Q405 is dual SIM model powered by a 1.2 GHz quad-core processor. The phone features 3G video calling and wi-fi making it the most efficient and stylish but pocket friendly smart phone. The Campus Q405 has GPS too for easy navigation.
Commenting on the launch, Y Guru, chairman and managing director – Celkon Mobiles, said “We are once again innovating with our latest offering Campus Q405 with a one-of-its kind proposition. Having launched many offerings for the retail market, we are launching Q405 exclusively for the e-tail market. We aim to bring forth a smart phone for every individual’s need and the new Q405 is a step in this direction. We have many such exciting offerings lined up for the year to help us cross the 1 million phones a month mark.”