Celkon Mobiles, The Hyderabad-based mobile handset company, has launched a 7-inch Android Ice Cream Sandwich operating system based tablet, Celtab, for Rs 7,499.
On the connectivity front the CEltab supports both Wifi and SIM connectivity. It comes with 1 GHz Processor, 512 RAM and a USB port.
Earlier this year Celkon had launched one tablet and two Android mobile phones each with a 1 GHz processor. The first handset called Celkon A95 had a 3.2 inch screen and priced at Rs 5,299 while the second phone, Celkon A97 had a 4 inch screen and was priced at Rs 8,499.
Both the phones were based on Android 2.3 operating system, and come with Mediatek chipsets. Both the phones also got 32 GB expandable memory, 3G, WiFi and Bluetooth support.