Celkon had announced the A107 Signature One smartphone about three months ago. Now the company has quietly introduced a slightly refreshed version of the same smartphone, named as A107+ Signature One. This new smartphone features a 5-inch display, dual SIM configuration, and runs Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean. There is no massive change in terms of hardware and Celkon is yet to announce the price of the new A107+ Signature One.
The new Celkon A107+ Signature One’s 5-inch touchscreen display has 480×800 pixel resolution natively. This smartphone has a Dual-SIM configuration to support 2G SIMs along with the dual standby feature. Celkon has used an unnamed dual-core 1 GHz mobile processor paired with 512 MB RAM and 4 GB on-board storage. There is a memory card slot to accommodate up to 32 GB micro SD card. At the rear is 8 megapixel camera with LED Flash for clicking high quality photos and recording HD quality videos. In the front lies a 1.3 megapixel camera for video calling.
Besides, the phone has Bluetooth, WiFi, 3.5 mm audio port and Micro USB port for charging as well as data transfer. Notable feature of this smartphone is the 2100 mAh batter which has a potential to run for really long if the device is used on 2G network in a single SIM mode.