A couple of days back Samsung launched its latest flagship smartphone, Galaxy S4, in India. To cash on the development and boost its sale, an online shopping portal is offering 5 days and 4 nights free trip to Thailand for customers who book the device on the site, where it is priced at Rs 41,249.
Consumers who buy Samsung Galaxy S4 from the online retail site, Tradus.com, and select DBMBangalore or DBM_India as seller are entitled to get free travel gift. But, there is a catch (it’s not completely free); the Samsung Galaxy S4 purchased through the site will not have any warranty and one has to submit a demand draft of Rs 9, 999 towards airport taxes, fuel surcharges and luxury taxes at the hotels.
The free trip includes economic class return airfare, 02 nights’ accommodation at Bangkok, 02 nights’ accommodation in Pataya, 04 breakfasts, both ways road transfers from Bangkok to Pataya, accommodation on twin sharing basis at the hotels, both ways airport transfers and sightseeing for one person. One can also bring along his companion for which the consumer can avail discounted price.