Indian handset manufacturer, Champion in association with BSNL has launched two feature phones – SQ 241 and SQ 281 at Rs 1,399 and Rs 1,699 respectively. These phones come pre-bundled with 1200 minutes of Talk time on BSNL network.
BSNL Champion SQ 241 has dual SIM, video and music players, 2.4 inch screen, FM player, GPRS, Bluetooth, Camera, TF card support, and the ability to store 200 messages and 500 contacts. It is also said to have “powerful speakers and battery”.
BSNL Champion SQ 281 comes with the option of a dual SIM, 1.3 Megapixel camera, a 7.1 cm screen, Bluetooth, FM player, a music and video player-cum-recorder. It is GPRS enabled, has a 1800 mAh battery, a 3.5 mm audio jack, a torch light and TF card support.
The BSNL Champion Mobile Phones SQ 281 and SQ 241 will be available pan-India.