Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has launched 3G services in the Tamil Nadu circle. The services are being launched in Coimbatore, Coonoor and Ooty town in the first phase. Gradually 3G services will be introduced in 38 cities and towns across Tamil Nadu within next three months.
The total capacity addition planned under this phase is 2.3 million lines of which 1.9 million are for 2G services and 400,000 lines for 3G. The total expenditure involved is approximately Rs 1,000 crore including Rs 130 crore for 3G.
At present, in theTamil Nadu circle 3,124 sites are in operation for mobile services and 3,262 new sites are planned in this project out of which 1,119 sites are for 3G services and 2,143 sites for 2G. On completion, a total of 6,386 sites will be in operation for mobile services throughout the circle.
The total expenditure for Coimbatore under this phase is Rs 163 crore. In Coimbatore town 184 sites are planned for 3G services and the entire city will be brought under the 3G coverage. Capacity for 3G services in Coimbatore is 78,000 lines and for introduction of the services around Rs 33 crores is being spent.
The total spending for Coonoor under this phase is around Rs 33 crore. In Coonoor town, seven sites are planned for 3G coverage. The capacity for 3G services in this town is 2400 lines and for introduction of 3G services in Coonoor around Rs 1 crore is being spent on the same. Similarly, in Ooty town 11 sites are planned for 3G coverage and the capacity for 3G services is 4,000 lines; and Rs 2 crore are being spent for the introduction of the services.
BSNL 3G gets underway in Tamil Nadu
The services are being launched in Coimbatore, Coonoor and Ooty town in the first phase.