Pictures of an Nvidia tablet with Android operating system have been spotted at several benchmark listing. Japanese Blog of Mobile procured images of the Nvidia Tegra Tab from the Taiwan’s National Communication Certification website. This tablet has also been spotted at the AnTuTu Benchmark as the Tegra Tab 7 Premium.
As per the listings, the Nvidia Tegra Tab will pack quad-core Nvidia Tegra 4 System-on-Chip and will run Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean update. The tablet carries model number P1640 and has a 7-inch touchscreen display with 1280×768 pixel resolution. As per the listings, it has Bluetooth and WiFi as well.
As of now, it is not clear whether this Tegra Tab is meant for commercial purpose or the company plans to offer it as a reference unit to tablet makers.
Blurry Images of Nvidia Tegra Tab surfaces online
The tablet reportedly has Tegra 4 System-on-chip based and Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean update.