Earlier this year, BlackBerry had shared its plan to make the popular instant Messaging client – BlackBerry Messenger – to go cross-platform. Now BlackBerry is all set to release BBM for Android and iPhone this weekend. The BBM for Android will arrive for the Android 4.x Ice Cream Sandwich or higher update running devices. While the BBM for iPhone will run on the devices running iOS 6.0 or higher update.
BlackBerry Messenger was exclusive to the BlackBerry OS platform but now will be available on the Android and iPhones as well. The BlackBerry Messenger will bring the uniform user interface and functionality across the platforms. The BBM Chat will work seamless across platforms and users will be able to share files such as images, voice notes as well.
BBM will let the users update their profile picture, post a status through the app. Users can also engage in the group chats wherein one can invite up to 30 other BBM users.
The BlackBerry Messenger will be assigned a unique PIN and the first time users will have to register for getting a BlackBerry ID that backs up all the BBM data. The BBM on Android, iPhones and BlackBerry 10 all modern versions will offer same level of security, instant delivery and smooth experience.
As of now, there are no details on whether the BBM Voice will be integrated on day one. That would be one nifty feature for the Android as well as iPhone users. Hopefully, BlackBerry manages to implement the BBM Video feature in the BBM for new platforms as well.