Arrow has launched its new wireless in-ear neckband headset – “BX90 Pro” in India. Arrow BX90 Pro Neckband is available at an introductory price of Rs 1299 and can be purchased in 4 colour combination – Green, White, Black, and Red from all the leading outlets across India.
The newly launched neckband delivers phenomenal surround sound with heavy bass. BX90 Pro comes packed with 90hours of Backup Time. Owing to its shape and unique design, the device is extremely light-weight and sleek in design while sitting comfortably in your ears.
BX90 Pro wireless neckband is easy to operate, allowing you to connect your device with its Bluetooth Version 5.0 offering connectivity with a working distance of 32 feet(10 meters).
The product can be paired easily with any smartphone and other devices. Arrow BX90 Pro comes with 90mAh battery ensuring a playtime of 6 hours and has a charging time of 1.5 hours.
The neckband headset is equipped with noise cancellation and Multi-Functional and Volume/Track Control Buttons offering rich bass HD stereo sound. It also boasts of an in-built microphone and also supports the Google and Siri Assistant features.