Apple has been in news lately for the new champagne gold colour edition of the upcoming iPhone 5S smartphone. However, the company’s experiment with colour will not end there. Japanese site ASCII Weekly reported about spotting a gun metal coloured nano SIM tray for the upcoming iPhone 5S. That means there would be more colour options for the iPhone fans apart from the usual dual-colour white & silver and black & slate.
Apple has made some changes inside the chassis of the iPhone model to accommodate some new and different components and also to make it leaner and lighter.
It is quite unlikely that Apple will offer so many options just in one year. Also possible that some component maker just decided to tease in the additional accessory for the iPhone owners – Gun Metal coloured SIM Tray. From the images, the SIM Tray looks more official than custom accessories work.
Meanwhile Apple is rumoured of holding a special event for the launch of new iPhone 5S on September 10, next month.
Apple iPhone 5S gunmetal SIM tray spotted
Images of the gun metal coloured SIM tray of the purported iPhone 5S smartphone were spotted from a repair component supplier's website.