Online retailer has announced the pricing of Apple iPhone 5 days before the official launch of the smartphone. It has priced it at Rs 45,500 for 16GB, Rs 52,500 for 32GB and Rs 59,500 for 64 GB versions.
The online shopping site will start delivery of device from November 4, two days after the official launch in India.
The pricing has come as a pleasant surprise as it was expected that iPhone 5 will be priced above the iPhone 4S pricing and therefore above Rs 50,000 mark.
Apple had announced the new lighter, thinner and faster iPhone 5 smartphone last month. The new iPhone 5 has a 4 inch Retina IPS display that supports 1136 x 640 pixel Resolution natively. Under the 7.6 mm thin body, it has a new Apple A6 mobile Processor with triple core graphics. The phone sports a totally new design with a brushed aluminium back panel that has glass strips on the top and bottom.
At the rear, the iPhone 5 has an 8 Megapixel iSight camera with five element glass, now comprising of Sapphire glass crystal and hybrid IR filter. There is also a front facing camera that can now indulge 720p HD FaceTime videos.